Tennis Adult Programs

Our adult classes are designed to help all variety of players- beginners to seasoned competitors. As a result, please note the levels of the clinics on the schedule so you attend the appropriate one for your playing ability. Please see the following link if you are not sure of your level:

Adult Programs:

Learn how to play Tennis: Come have fun while learning the strokes, how to rally and score the game.

Advanced Beginner/Low Intermediate: The next step after learning the basics of tennis. Start to develop better technique, consistency and understanding of the game in this instructional class.

Cardio Tennis: A movement, fitness, and drill class. Hit lots of balls, move your feet and enjoy the beat of the music. Appropriate for all levels. No tennis knowledge necessary.

Double Drills/Play: Spend time working on your strategy, positioning, and movement. Review the strategy, practice the positioning and then try to incorporate it in play.

Total Workout: Enjoy learning some tips and strategy while receiving a great workout on all aspects of your game!

Intermediate Clinic: These players have mastered the ability to keep the ball in play, serve consistently and are familiar with the rules of tennis and basic strategy. Enhance your game by refining your skills to move up to the next level.

Adult Advanced Doubles Drills: For those players above intermediates who are beginning to improve their technical abilities and strategy so they can play more competitively. This class will advance their game through live ball drills.

For more information, contact Bronwyn at